Not only that, but every single aspect of the game can be customized, from houses to pets, careers, even family lineages! There is not one aspect of The Sims 4 that the user cannot make their own. The user can let their imagination run free by creating Sims and houses of their own choosing. In the top right search bar you can search by item name, EA Account ID, or hashtag.The Sims 4 for Windows is a computer game that allows the user to build a unique world of their own creation. In the “community” tab you can filter your search between view content by: all, maxis curated, or following, sort by “newest, popular now, most popular”, category: “all, households, lots, rooms”, packs you own, and advanced. To download households, rooms, and lots from the gallery click on the polaroid icon in the top right to take you to gallery, select “my library” to access content you’ve created and saved, select “community” to access content created by fellow players. To save the lot to your library click on the folder icon in the bottom right corner of the window. To add a lot to the gallery go into build mode on the lot you’d like to upload, in the middle navigation bar click on the folder icon and in the drop down choose “lot”, enter a name for the lot, in the information section provide a description, once complete click on the cloud in the bottom left hand corner to share to the gallery. To save the room to your library click on the folder icon in the bottom right corner of the window. To add a room to the gallery go into build mode, click on the room you’d like to add to the gallery, in the middle navigation bar click on the folder icon and in the drop down choose “room”, enter a name for the room, to change the thumbnail click on the photo icon till you get an angle that you like best, in the information section select what type of room it is and provide a description, once complete click on the cloud in the bottom left hand corner to share to the gallery. To save the household to your library click on the folder icon in the bottom right corner of the window. To add a household to the gallery from Create a Sim click on the “save household” icon in the top right navigation bar, choose a thumbnail by clicking on the photo icon until one you like appears, then add a description, once completed click the cloud in the bottom left under the description section to upload to the gallery. The Gallery is a place for you to browse, share, and download additional content created by members of the community without having to leave your game.