This is at least what being marketed everywhere.

However, with the release of the Vital synthesizer, the concept has swiftly changed. We have talked a lot of times that if you want a premium quality synthesizer then expect to pay for it. The first and foremost difference between both the contenders is their pricing. Is the newest synthesizer giant enough to give Serum a tough time? Can Xfer Serum be replaced by Matt Tytel Vital? We are about to find it out with our head-to-head comparison! Pricing The competitive advantage of Vital is that it comes for free! There is a free and paid version of Vital technically, however, it's marketed as a freeware synthesizer. Vital is a spectral warping wavetable synthesizer, available in VST, VST3, AU, and LV2 plugin format. Recently, Vital Synth was released by Matt Tytel in November 2020. Since then, it has remained a top priority for music producers and sound designers. Xfer publicized the creation of Serum for three years and finally revealed it in 2004. (Formerly known as Xfer Records) released a wavetable synthesizer named Serum. Now that you know how to add a custom Serum skin to your DAW, here’s twelve free Serum skins to check out-all made by artists and creators like you! 1.Xfer Inc. Now it’s time to start making music! The best 12 free Serum skins to check out Kablamo! You now have an inspiring, custom version of Serum in your DAW. Much like its presets feature-you can easily change up the synth’s look with a custom skin. Step 6: Once the scan is finished, click the Serum logo and your new Skins should appear there.Step 5:Re-open Serum and from the main menu drop down select “Rescan folders on disk”.Step 4:Drag the unzipped Serum skin you downloaded into the “Skins” folder.Step 3: A folder of Serum’s presets will open on your desktop, go in to the folder and select “Skins”.Step 2: Open Serum’s menu drop down and click the “Show Serum Presets Folder” option.zip of files of the Serum skins you like, then extract (unzip) the files. Installing a Serum skin is simple, here’s what you’ll need to do to customize your Serum plugin.